
2k zen on controller
2k zen on controller

Options: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Orange.Description: Set your preferred Player Indicator Color.Description: Set your preferred Player Indicator.Options: None, Bucket, Money machine, Sparkle, Whip, Sword sheath, Eagle screech, Water bubbles, Future, Space Zap, Cartoon, Exhale, Tiger growl, Futuristic Bass, Horn, UFO door, Plastic wrap, Whistle, Record scratch, Vintage space 1, Vintage space 2, Glitter, 80’s Hip Hop, Horse neigh, Catch fire, Metal clank, Laser, Fireworks, Jazzy pop, Surprise!, Power Blast, Angelic, Cash Register, Hollow bang, Space laser, Glass break.Description: Set your preferred Perfect Release Sound Effect.Description: Set your preferred Perfect Release.Options: Very Early, Early, Late, Very Late.Description: Set your preferred time to release the button during the shot.Options: Shots only, Layups only, Real Player %, Shots and Layups.Description: Determine how user timing affects shot in game.Rec’m: Set to ‘Off’ or ‘Free Throw Only’ for a boost to your jumpshots.Options: On, Off, Free Throw Only, Shot button Only, Pro Stick Only.Description: Set your preferred Shot Meter style.

2k zen on controller

  • Rec’m: Set to ‘Off’ if you want less distraction.
  • Description: Turn the vibration on or off.
  • NBA 2K23 Camera Angle Settings & Best Camera Angle.
  • 2k zen on controller Patch#

    If your controller settings still aren’t saving, this will likely be addressed by 2K in a future patch / update.

    2k zen on controller

    Having the right setup can significantly impact gameplay, so be sure to check out all the options and our best controller settings recommendations for NBA 2K23. Like the name suggests, NBA 2K23 Controller Settings let you set your preferences for your controller in the game.

    2k zen on controller